Wednesday, February 07, 2007


So here it is....I've moved to

I am a traitor

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hear Ye! Hear get the point :OP

So here's a quick keep all of you at least remotely interested...

1- Back at The Bean Friday Feb. 2nd with Jess Graham, who is absolutley phenominal...come on down for some caffeine and fun....

2- Playing a house concert in Cobourg Feb. invite only

3- Shamus Hannah Live @ The Bean- A Concert and Recording Event- Sat. March 10th

4- Still no word on the work thing...but its left me with time to write, compose, play, relax and generally beat myself up over every possible thing I could think tis' all good. :oP

5- The Family is doin' very well, inspite of many bouts of flu-ish type sickness over the last month or so....

6- All other ducks are seemingly in order currently- which is quite an odd feeling pour moi....

7-Hope you are all doing well out there in cyber-nothingness
